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Selected Poems of W. B. Yeats 作者:W.B.叶芝 英国)


To A Young Beauty

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DEAR fellow-artist, why so free

Yet praise the winters gone:

But those of Beauvarlet.

There is not a fool can callme friend,

To A Young Beauty

And I may dine at journeys end

Who draws a bucket with the rest

With old Ezekiels cherubim

Soon topples down the hill.

You may, that mirror for a school,

How hard a life her setvant lives,

Be passionate, not bountiful

Who were not born to keepin trim

With Landor and with Donne.

I know what wages beauty gives,

As common beauties may,

Choose your companions from the best;

With every sort of company,

With every Jack and Jill?

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