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“考麦克·麦卡锡” 的 “名句” 列表

考麦克·麦卡锡 美国)简介

考麦克麦卡锡,出生于1933年7月20日,是一位美国小说家、剧作家。他写了十部小说,他也写戏剧和电影剧本。他因小说《THE ROAD》获普利策奖。

No Country for Old Men的封面
No Country for Old Men 作者:美国• 考麦克·麦卡锡

No Country for Old Men is a 2005 novel by American author Cormac McCarthy. Set along the United States–Mexico border in 1980, the story concerns an illicit drug deal gone wrong in a remote desert location. The title comes from the poem Sailing to Byzantium by William Butler Yeats. In 2007 a film adaptation was released, winning four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

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