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“盖伊·加列佛·凯伊” 的 “名句” 列表

盖伊·加列佛·凯伊 加拿大)简介

盖伊·加列佛·凯伊(Guy Gavriel Gay)生于1955年,乃是加拿大著名奇幻作家,自出道以来,投身于奇幻文学创作领域已长达近30年之久,但鲜为人知的是,他的“处女作”却非自己的作品,而是与J·R·R·托尔金(《魔戒之王》的作者)之子克里斯托福·托尔金一起整理、润色并出版名著《精灵宝钻》(原书出版于1978年,该书简体中文版已由译林出版社于2004年推出)。《精灵宝钻》是J·R·R·托尔金花费毕生精力所写作的传奇故事,辞藻优美,气势磅礴,但其实他在身前只留下草稿和残篇,而成书的幕后大功臣之一就是凯伊。对凯伊来讲,他也从这最初、最直接的与大师的接触之中,接受了最正统的奇幻熏陶,可谓师出名门罢!直到进入八十年代,盖伊才开始书写自己的作品。他的第一炮是“费奥纳瓦织锦三部曲”(Fionavar Tapestry),包括《夏日之树》(The Summer Tree,1984)、《流浪的火》(The Wandering Fire,1985)和《最黑暗的道路》(The Darkest Road,1986),并由之一炮走红。这一系列乃是典型的史诗奇幻,魔王复活,威胁和平,正义通过惨烈的牺牲战胜邪恶云云——从这套书中,可以明显地看出盖伊所受的托尔金的强烈影响,全书的模式极类似《魔戒之王》,继承了老派作家的创作风格。但另一方面,盖伊的野心却并不仅限于此,他企图将西方各类神话符号完全浓缩进这三本薄薄的书里(这三册和今天“砖头式”的史诗奇幻不同,各只有200多页,20世纪以后的再版都将三册合为一本),他还在书中加入了从现实世界“穿越”的概念,全书的感情十分充沛,遣词造句打上了浓重的“凯氏”印记。《夏日之树》更获得了“奇幻创神奖”(Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature )的最佳小说提名,给盖伊·加列佛·凯伊带来了最初的荣誉。

Tigana 作者:加拿大• 盖伊·加列佛·凯伊

With a new introduction by the acclaimed bestselling author, this is the spectacular deluxe tenth-anniversary edition of a fantasy classic--the sweeping tale of sorcery, magic, politics, war, love, betrayal, and survival...A richly sensuous fantasy world, full of evocative history, religions, folklore, local customs, and a magical rites...a bravura performance, nearly impossible to put down.-- Kirkus ReviewsKay's brilliant and complex portrayal of good and evil, high and low, will draw readers to this consuming epic.-- Publishers WeeklyA brilliant single-volume epic fantasy, rich in intrigue and subtlety. Memorable characters and cultures add depth to a gracefully plotted story.-- Library JournalMassively satisfying...startlingly new. -- Toronto StarThe heir to Tolkien's tradition.-- BooklistOne of the best fantasy novels I have read.-- Anne McCaffreyAll that you held most dear you will put by and leave behind you; and this is the arrow the longbow of your exile first lets fly.You will come to know how bitter as salt and stone is the bread of others, how hard the way that goes up and down stairs that never are your own.Dante, The Paradiso What can a flame remember? If it remembers a little less than is necessary, it goes out; if it remembers a little more than is necessary, it goes out. If only it could teach us, while it burns, to remember correctly.George Seferis, Stratis the Sailor Describes a Man

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