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安东尼·阿尔伯斯的头像 安东尼·阿尔伯斯新西兰)详情

“安东尼·阿尔伯斯” 简介

Antony Alpers was born and educated in Christchurch and enjoyed an extraordinary career as a journalist, music critic, editor, teacher, professor and author. His books are as diverse as his experiences of life; they include the acclaimed Katherine Mansfield: A Biography, 1953, the groundbreaking Dolphins, 1960, and the world renowned Maori Myths and Tribal Legends, 1964. He was a modest man of broad learning and quick wit whose contributions to academia are immense. He died in 1996 aged 77 years.

“安东尼·阿尔伯斯” 作品列表

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